Welcome to the IPPS!
Pulsed Power leads extreme fields to innovation in material and life sciences and the creation of new business.
The institute of Pulsed Power Sciecne strives for the creation of innovation
and the development of global talent through pulsed power science and technology.
We are ready to help you by using the pulsed power science and technology.
Advanced Topics
Calcium-dependent activation of transglutaminase 2 by nanosecond pulsed electric fields
K. Morotomi-Yano and K. Yano, FEBS Open Bio 7, 934-943 (2017) |
A novel cost-effective, needle-free vaccine/drug delivery method
N. Battula, V. Menezes, H. Hosseini, Biotechnol. Bioeng. 113, 2507-12 (2016) |
Unidirectional porous (UniPore) copper
M. Vesenjak, K. Hokamoto, M. Sakamoto, T. Nishi, L. Krstulovic-Opara, Z. Ren, Materials Design 90, 867-880 (2016) |
What's up?
- 2017.7.20
- SYMPOSIUM: PLASAS 9 (9 th International Workshop on Plasma Scientech for All Something), DATE: August 19-20, 2017, VENUE: Kumamoto University, South Campus.
- 2017.7.18
JOURNAL:BioMed Research International
SPECIAL ISSUE: "Delivery of Ultrashort Electric Pulses to Biological Targets and Resulting Effects"
SUBMISSION: 3 Nov. 2017
ISSUE DATE: March 2018
- 2017.5.25
- AWARD: Dr. Tanaka was awarded on "Kayaku Gakkai Gijutsu Shou" Award from the Kayaku Gakkai in the study of "流動パラフィン中におけるタングステン細線起爆による炭化タングステンの合成".
- 2017.5.5
- SYMPOSIUM: "IPPS Symposium on Industrialization of Pulsed Power Science and Technology" DATE: April 28, 2017, VENUE: Tokyo Campus Innovation Center.
- 2017.3.15
- Third Party Evaluation of IPPS was carried out on May 9-10, 2017.
- 2017.3.15
- SYMPOSIUM: International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Pulsed Power was held on March 8-9 at Kumamoto University Kurokami south campus.
This symposium included three keynote lectures by distiguished foreign researchers and tens of talks on the collaborative researches with IPPS in the fiscal year 2016.